Tuesday 7 January 2014

Musical of the Year - Flying Free

Hello everyone, I know I've missed several Musical's of the Month and I've still got a Dreamboats and Petticoats blog to write but I thought it would be a good way to finish of 2013 (well start 2014 but it's really finishing 2013, just a bit later than planned) by having a Musical of the Year. 
This musical has ticked all the boxes for me, not only is it a truly spectacular show but it's, also, been my lifesaver this year and reminded me what is really important. For those of you who are regular readers of my blog I think you may be a little surprised to hear that the show in question is not Priscilla! Priscilla, itself, is in a very close 2nd place but this particular show just pipped it to the post. The show in question is the last show I've been to see and was the perfect way to finish off my year of 2013. However, this wasn't the first time I've seen this particular show, in fact I've seen it 11 times now (I think), including twice on Broadway; yes, I'm talking about the sensational show Wicked. 
Before discussing the cast at my most recent viewing let me give a bit more detail as to why this show is my Musical of the Year. Well, firstly, Elphaba is me in musical theatre character form; the odd ball who stands up for what she believes is right no matter what the cost. Then there's some really beautiful lines such as, 'Do you think I want to be this way? Do you think I want to care this much? Don't you know how much easier my life would be if I didn't', 'Elphaba: You're the only friend I've ever had. Glinda: And I've had so many friends, but only one who mattered', 'Elphaba: You're still beautiful. Fiyero: You don't have to lie to me. Elphaba: It's not lying...it's looking at things another way' and then, perhaps the most beautiful lines of all, in my eyes, 'So if you care to find me look to the western sky! As someone told me lately: "Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo at least I'm flying free to those who'd ground me take a message back from me. Tell them how I am defying gravity. I'm flying high defying gravity and soon I'll match them in renown. And nobody in all of Oz, no Wizard that there is or was, isever gonna bring me down!'.
Too me all those lines are capable of touching a special place in my heart but the last ones, the lyrics to the last verse of Defying Gravity, are more special to me than anything as they serve as a reminder to say that you shouldn't let anyone, no matter how important, stop you from achieving your dreams, whatever those dreams may be. 
If that wasn't reason enough as to why Wicked should be the Musical of the Year, the show, also, has amazing costumes, brilliant special effects, the right balance between humour and seriousness and, as hinted at, a killer set of songs, to the extent that the first lines of Dancing Through Life gave me the inspiration to my education dissertation; 'The trouble with schools is they always try to teach the wrong lessons. 
So that's why you should make this your number one priority to see in 2014, but why are the current West End cast so brilliant. Well, over time I've seen quite a lot of people in the cast, including the formidable Kerry Ellis and Oliver Tompsett. No one had ever really loved up to Oliver's performance of Fiyero until this last time. The chap (I'll do a full list of names below) was nothing like Oliver but there was just a little something special about his portrayal that really got me liking him. In fact, there was just something special about the whole cast who delivered a truly stunning performance of an already spectacular show; there was just a little something, and I can't quite put my finger on what, that made the show feel extra specially magical. I, also, must mention that the girl who played Elphaba was mesmerising and had the clearest diction and most amazing voice I've heard in a long time. The current cast are just the cherry on top of an already perfect show. 
So that's why Wicked has to be my Musical of the Year. All that's left to say now is I'll see you all in 2014; happy new year everyone. If you ever want a chat either comment below or tweet me at @GreenGirlsRox, I'd love to hear from you. 
Love you all

Cast List:
Elphaba - Willemijn Verkalk
Glinda - Savannah Stevenson
Fiyero - Jeremy Taylor
Madame Morrible - Sue Kelvin
The Wizard - Sam Kelly
Nessarose - Katie Rowley Jones
Boq - Sam Lupton
Doctor Dillamond - Paul Clarkson

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