Friday 3 January 2014

A New Year

Well, here we are and it's 2014! Its doesn't seem that long ago since I was writing my new years post for 2013 but so much has changed since then as well. I've seen so many shows, with the two main shows of the year having to be Priscilla, which I saw in Manchester, Oxford, Wimbledon, Southampton, Nottingham, Belfast and Hull, and Rocky Horror, which I saw in Grimsby, Cambridge, Manchester, Cardiff and Nottingham (to see my blogs please click the locations). I, also, got the chance to review Spamalot or Last Minute Theatre Tickets, which was an amazing experience. Another well deserved show mention is Wicked, which I have doubled my love for this year as it, particularly, have stood by me and built me back up after the times of trouble. Finally, the new gem of  a show I found this year was Newsies which I hope so much comes to the West End as it is one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen.
As for life in general, well 2013 has not been the best year for me, saying that it's through the times of trouble that we notice the light that is around us in our friend and family; suddenly you realise which are the people who are always there for you and I'm pleased to say there is a lot of people out there for me and I'm truly blessed to know so many. I won't, however, go naming names as I'm more than likely to forget someone and don't want to cause offence but I'm sure all these wonderful people will know who they are. 
And then what of the hope of 2014, well hopefully I'll have a better time and be a lot less accident prone. However, let's look at the most important thing, theatre, well I hope to see Priscilla at least once more in the new year (well I bet you could guess that anyway). I, also, really hope to see Miss Saigon as I've heard the music and very good things about previous productions of this show so cannot wait to see a new production. As well as this, I'm hoping to see The Duck House as it looks like a very funny show that is a little different than my usual musical theatre show (due to the lack of songs). 
So that's all for my sum up of the year, before I go I'll leave you with my best three theatre bloggers. Also, I feel it's necessary to pause for a second to pay a thought for all involved with the accident that happened at The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and hope that everything gets sorted out as quickly as possible.

The Best Three Theatre Bloggers:
Dawn Smallwood:
Thoughts of a Blue Eyed Girl:
Ignited by a Dream:
Hope you all have a good year and remember to defy gravity, be a little bit naughty and remember to seize the day! It would be lovely to hear from you, please contact me either by commenting below or tweeting me on @GreenGirlsRox.
Love you lots

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