Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Baring All

Hello my lovelies, it's time for the second instalment of my blog about West End Bares so here goes...

As VIP ticket holders we were able to stay for the after party. I had decided to buy the VIP tickets as when Alys and I went to see the gala concert of Children of Eden (29.01.2012) we ended up waiting 3 hours for the cast to come out. Although this was fun, it was obviously not as amazing as being in the after party, therefore, when I saw you could get tickets to the after party of West End Bares I just had to get them. What made it even better was that the whole of our group was staying as well.
The after party was amazing in so many ways. I could describe the whole evening but that would take too long in what is going to be a long blog anyway, so instead I will just pick out a few events in the evening.
Firstly Alys and I got our picture taken with Olivia Phillip (previously in Priscilla and currently in Ghost). She was really lovely and even allowed Alys to take another photo later in the evening because, due to my shoddy camera skills, her picture had come out blurry.
Our whole group got to talk to the amazingly talented and super gorgeous Oliver Thornton, who, yet again, was really nice as he stayed to talk to us after his friends went to get drinks. After a long chat and a lot of photos we found out that he's had a lot of job offers including one from The Rocky Horror Picture Show but he couldn't possibly tell us what he was going to do. However, I must say that Oliver as Frank-N-Furter would be's hoping.
Another highlight of the evening was that Alys managed to obtain two bras from the table tennis act as they were thrown off the stage. Alys put one on and spent most of the evening with it, and only it, on and gave the other one to Emma as it was her size. Alys, also, managed to get hers signed (whilst she wasn't wearing it) by Oliver Thornton and Matt Evers...result!
The evening ended with the classic song 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps which resulted in many people taking to the stage. This was particularly hilarious as there had been a man escorting people from the stage who had got up earlier, however, was slightly stunned by the amount of people who ended up there in the end. After this it was closing time, however in an act of disapproval of the party being over a spontaneous accapella version of Queen's We Will Rock You started, which was fabulous!
Nevertheless, in the end we (by this time there was only Sharon, Janette, Rob, Alys and myself left in our group), as did everyone else, had to leave. On the way out we noticed the teddy bears that were being sold, needless to say Sharon fell completely in love with them and after talking very nicely to one of the assistants managed to obtain a free bear, which was christened Felicia.
We then headed off into the night, following Janette and Sharon, which was fine until we realised that they were following Alys and me. In the end it took us an hour to get back to the Travelodge, nevertheless, it was one of the best hours ever. This was because we found some nice police men who let us have a sit on their motorbikes. Janette, also, took to pole dancing with the lamp posts and we had a lot of fun with a telephone box that was missing a pane of glass, as well as Alys trying to do cartwheels in the middle of the road.
And so rolled on the next day...we were planning to meet up with everyone at Balans, however after some very shoddy directions, a phone map that kept changing its mind on where we were and lot of walking we found that Emma, Brad, Bex and Carole had had to go and catch the train. That left Sharon, Janette, Rob, Alys and myself walking around London trying to find our next location, which was Maxwell's in Covent Garden. However, as you can probably guess, this took slightly longer than planned due to everyone following each other. After finding the BT tower, a Hotel Chocolat (which had really friendly staff and delicious salted caramels) and ending up back where we started, we, finally, arrived in Maxwells where we sat, talked, had a few drinks (Alys got addicted to the Japanese Slipper) and generally had a good time. All too soon it was time to go and say goodbye :( and go and find our trains back home and return to the real world.
Overall, these two days spent in London were two of the best days ever. I saw three great shows, went to an after party, met some of my favourite performers but, most importantly, met some great people who I hope to have some more great days out with.
To finish here's a picture of us all in Maxwell's...I am going to do a photo blog tomorrow of the whole weekend so watch this space! 
From left to right...
Me, Alys, Sharon, Janette and Rob
Hope you enjoyed this
Love you all

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