Sunday 2 February 2014

Dreaming Baby Dream

Well, well, well, finally here it is, my blog about Dreamboats and Petticoats which I saw at Nottingham Theatre Royal in November last year...yes it does feel like ages ago doesn't it! If you haven't read my blog before I have been meaning to write this post for ages and haven't got round to it what with all the chaos that has been going on in my life (I won't explain as I'll be here for pages and pages and you'll get bored and switch your computers off) in addition to writing my dissertation for my third and final year at uni...scary!
So what of Dreamboats and Petticoats, well if you're wanting to go to the theatre for a highly educational and deep production with lots of twists and turns then this show is not for you. However, if you want a little bit of light hearted relief from your day to day life then go on and buy yourself a ticket (the tour finishes at the end of May in St Albans so you've got plenty of time yet). Basically, the show itself is pretty cute-sie with an decent plot and some great tunes. 
The song list is truly phenomenal, well I do like music from that era, and is really what makes the show, however, I won't go on about this too much as I reviewed the music on my blog previously so if you want to see a more in depth discussion of it click here. Nevertheless, seeing the show in the flesh really brought the music alive particularly as there was a live band on stage. The only annoying bit about this was one of the Saxophone players seemed to have a thing about bending her head backwards so the Saxophone was vertical; now I do agree that this can look cool and jazzy when done once or twice but when she did it two or three times during every song it got a tiny bit repetitive...just a little moan there. However, the rest of the cast were brilliant and truly brought the teenage love story feel to life.
The set and lighting were simple but just right for the show. Everything was very realistic, which was just the right tone for the show. I particularly liked the realism during the fairground section when the dodgeums were brought onto the stage...I don't know what it is but seeing a fairground brought to life on a stage always makes me smile :)
I think that's all I've really got to if it Dreamboats and Petticoats comes to your area I'd definitely say you should get a ticket if you want a fun, cute night out to escape from the reality of the world.
If you've seen the show or just fancy a chat please either comment below or tweet me at @GreenGirlsRox.
Love you all

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