Hello everyone...do you know what being at the end of July means!?! That it's my 21st birthday really soon, as in on the 1st of August...eek!!! Anyway this month the Musical of the Month isn't really a musical at all but, panic not, it is relate to a musical.
Basically, I was in HMV recently and in the 'Soundtrack' section there was a CD from one Tim Minchin's stand-up concerts: So F***ing Rock. Well, I was tempted as I love the music from Matilda (for those who don't know he wrote this as well) and was interested to hear more of what he has written.
To start off with...it's incredibly random and very rude (as you've probably guessed by the title), however if you aren't easily offended and can cope with a good dose of randomness then it's absolutely incredible...so much so that I'm turning it into an honour musical so I can feature it as a Musical of the Month :p
I think the best bit about every song is that there's a catchy or beautiful tune and all are very intelligently written. Another thing that's brilliant about the majority of the song is that, in addition to the comedy element, they are littered with an awful lot of home truths about the way we live out lives. Also, it's clear how brilliant Minchin is at playing and composing for the piano as it's this that really makes each and every song.
Currently my favourite songs are 'Canvas Bags', 'Some People Have It Worse Than I' and 'Not Perfect'. 'Canvas Bags' is probably the most random song on the entire album yet it is all very true...basically it's a song about remembering to take your canvas bags to the supermarket...umm total genius! 'Some People Have It Worse Than I' is very catchy and the perfect song to make you realise that your life could be much, much worse than what it is now. Finally, 'Not Perfect' is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard; Minchin describes it as a song about the feeling you have when you feel like you're the smallest doll in the Babushka doll. To me the song is very good at explaining how wealthy we all are just by having a little bit of earth, a body and a brain to call our own. Also, this song is the one that can be related most to Matilda as it sounds like a mix between 'When I Grow Up' and 'My House'.
Overally, I strongly recommend you buying this CD was even though it's not a musical it is we'll worth the title of Musical of the Month!
Love you all